Most frequent questions and answers

What is web hosting?

Webhosting allows you to put your site online. Once your website has been built, you want to put it online, hence the advantage of using a web host. The host offers you several web hosting formulas with different characteristics and functionalities allowing you to find a formula which most corresponds to your project and according to the size of your website, the number of visits you plan to have, etc.

What is the Importance of Choosing the Best Web Hosting?

It is vitally important to choose the best web hosting for your project. This is a guarantee that it is developed correctly, since with a wrong accommodation it may not even work.

The web hosting will be the place of lodging of the bases of all your project, to you that you do not settle with anyone at first sight. You must investigate and choose the one that gives you the appropriate skills and tools.

If, for example, your interest is in developing an online game , chances are that you need good security and great performance. This means that you must hire a type of VPS hosting.

Another example, if you are beginners and you are creating your first blog . The most recommended would be an accommodation that has a managed WordPress plan.

What is the hosting space?

It is the space that the hosting company provides to the client to store its files, including pages, pictures, database and scripts, and specifies the hosting space in megabytes or gigabytes.

What are SSL security certificates?

SSL means Secure Sockets Layer, this  definitely does not mean anything to you and did not explain to you what is meant, well let us explain to you.

The SSL certificate encrypts the data between the server and the browser, so no hacker can obtain the data sent from the visitor to the server and vice versa because this data is encrypted and the key is encrypted at the server only.

An SSL or secure connection protocol is an effective way to protect information and encrypt important data like secret numbers, credit card numbers, and personal information that is entered through your site.

Clients always buy from safe sites, not just that! SSL certification will also help you in enhancing search results and ranking of your site in the popular search engine Google because your site is considered a safe site for users.

What is FTP?

It is the abbreviation for the file transfer protocol, which is the file transfer protocol, and it is for controlling and transferring the files that are hosted on the site and allows you to view the entire content of your site, which gives you the freedom to delete, add or modify any file on your site.

What is vps and what are its benefits?

VPS hosting is a shortcut (Virtual Private Server), which is the virtual server, and it is a server that is divided into several different parts, each with its own operating system. These servers are virtual machines that are provided exclusively to one customer or client.

VPS users have full administrative access to the section for them. Accounts are isolated from other accounts on the same server. Hardware and network infrastructure are maintained by a hosting provider. VPS is less expensive than dedicated server plans.

Shared or Dedicated Host?

The question comes up regularly, should we choose shared hosting or a dedicated server for our website?

It actually depends on the needs and size of your website. If it is a small website of a few pages for your business, the question does not arise, you can start by opting for shared hosting , on the one hand because it will cost you less, but also because you won’t even use all of the features and resources it allows.

What is WordPress hosting?

WordPress hosting Providers offer specialized hosting packages for wordpress. These formulas include the installation of your wordpress site as well as its hosting and generally costs a few tens of euros per month. The big advantages are the simplicity and speed of installation as well as the simplicity of use. Otherwise, it is also possible to host a wordpress site on shared hosting if you have a bit of an idea.

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